What’s Your Superpower?

Bad Dog Arts wants kids to think about the things they are good at to be able to name their Superpower. Pick from a list of possible choices on site, like Math-Wizard, Problem Solver, King (or Queen) of Kindness, etc. Bad Dog Arts will ask kids “How will your superpower help to make the world a better place?” Kids will first make a colorful texture rubbing background then choose their superpower word and create a work of art!


Bad Dog Arts

Whether you love to watch films, want to explore the hands on activities at the Clubhouse, or do both, a day pass is your access to the Festival!

Each day pass includes the following perks: In-person films on a first come, first served basis

  • Clubhouse activities.
  • Free UTA transit to the Festival at Mid-Valley Performing Arts Center in Taylorsville

Each member of your group needs a pass to access Tumbleweeds. Workshops require additional registration and fee. 

Choose a Saturday day pass, a Sunday day pass, or both! 

Yes! Keep me updated on announcements for pass sales, ticket availability, film schedule, and workshop sales for 2024 Tumbleweeds Film Festival for Kids, April 19-20.